Save time identifying your websites responsive issues with our easy-to-use browser extension
Only few easy steps and you're ready
Experience the convenience of viewing all device screens simultaneously in a single tab. Say goodbye to toggling between mobile, tablet, and desktop views—every device perspective is now unified in one place.
Other features that we implemented for better screen testing
Capture full webpages, visible sections, or make precise selections with ease. Download lightweight screenshots with a single click.
UX reviews & audits were never easier. Share your findings with your clients or download it with ease.
The process of reviewing and testing websites often feels overwhelming, especially to those who built them. After testing many tools and extensions seeking to speed up audits, none satisfied our demand for speed. Thats why Pixefy was born, with a primary focus on streamlining your testing and auditing processes for better speed and efficiency.
A wide array of features has been implemented, with more innovations on the way. Keep an eye out for more!
We help real people do more in less time
Every customer journey is unique. Use our extension alongside Chrome's Inspect for unparalleled flexibility and tailored solutions.
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